Cultivos perennes
Productos y servicios
Producción, recolección y distribución de cítricos.
Cultivo de cítricos
Otros cultivos no perennes
Cultivo de cítricos
Otros cultivos no perennes
Growing of citrus fruits
Growing of other non-perennial crops
The company is an agricultural firm which is engaged in the activities of growing and farming of crops and other agricultural products in Spain. It was incorporated in the year 2002 and conducts its business from its registered head office which is located in the town of Oliva, Valencia province, Spain. The company involves in growing crops, including oilseeds and grains, vegetables and melons, fruits and tree nuts, tobacco, cotton, sugarcane, hay, sugar beets, and peanuts. It also involves in growing a combination of crops and a combination of fruit and tree nut. The company's products are marketed to customers throughout the country.